Saturday, May 22, 2010

Relationship / Friendship issue

There's no guarantee that relationship will last.
Sometime because of relationship friends start to drift away cos they are so busy with their other halves.
They can't concentrate in whatever they are doing and sometime they even feel like giving up their hobby. It also affect their preferment on study or work. They will even lose some good friends as they are busy thinking what their other halves is doing.
(Even after month of not meeting up, message them they will just reply can't meet or busy or even worst NO REPLY AT ALL..)
Your partner isn’t your everything.
You will lose things that’s important and that will be your FRIEND. Friends are really important as well.

As important as your partner or can be more important.

You’ll never know when your relationship will turn scour or come to an end and the people who will be support you will be your friends and family.


Anonymous said...

I disagree.. Its true that when you're "occupied", you have less time for friends and studies/work. However, to lose good friends because of relationships is ironic. Good Friends stand by your side no matter what adversities you're in. The friends that you lose because of relationships, are just casual acquaintances.

hirah said...

I agree with Benjamin. We can have many casual acquaintances that come and go during our lifetime. But there are true freinds that stick with us even if we do not see them for months or years.

Those true friends had experienced ups and downs together and our true friends tend to understand us better than our new found soulmate(love).

I have many freinds from local universities who have long term relationships but still have time to excel in studies, sports and whatever other interest they have.
They also have close relationships with their family and friends. Most of them come from lower middle income families.

It's all about time management.

If we can't have time for relationships, don't jump into one. Be patient. Have choices. And choose the best one that matches our requirements for an everlasting relationship.

newmediascapes said...

How do you sugest that those in relationships balance their time and various commitments?

newmediascapes said...

How do you suggest that those in relationships manage their time and various commitments?

ahQ said...

Time can sometimes be just a number if you don't manage them well.
Good planning showcases your ability, maturity and lets you come across as a responsible person.

Conversely, if you have not rushed the action, and it has been one sided most of the time, as she does not respond favorably o you after a long period of time, it is best for you to treat her as friend and find another girl who is willing to develop a long term relationship with you

Anonymous said...

Well, in foreign countries like britain, its possible to have as many committments as you want.. provided you sacrifice time for other things. It can be your slumber time as well..